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Home » All about YouTube Shorts  »  How to Block Shorts in HTML Code on YouTube

How to Block Shorts in HTML Code on YouTube

YouTube Shorts is a popular feature for quick, engaging, vertical videos, but not everyone enjoys having them appear in their feed. While YouTube doesn't provide a built-in setting to disable Shorts entirely, some tech-savvy users look for ways to block Shorts by using HTML code tweaks or browser extensions. If you’re interested in a technical approach to reducing or hiding YouTube Shorts, this article will guide you through potential solutions. Here's how to block Shorts in HTML code on YouTube and other tips for customizing your browsing experience.

how to block shorts in html code in youtube
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Understanding YouTube Shorts and HTML Code

YouTube Shorts are short, vertical videos of up to 60 seconds designed to grab attention quickly. These videos often appear on the YouTube homepage, subscriptions feed, or in search results. Since YouTube integrates Shorts directly into its web platform, hiding or blocking them can be tricky.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the backbone of most websites, including YouTube. By modifying the HTML code of a webpage through browser tools or extensions, you can hide certain elements, including YouTube Shorts. However, these changes are temporary unless you use additional methods like custom scripts or browser extensions.

How to Block Shorts in HTML Code on YouTube

If you’re comfortable with technology and want to block YouTube Shorts manually, here’s how you can do it by tweaking the HTML code:

1. Using Browser Developer Tools

Most modern web browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, allow you to inspect and modify a webpage's HTML using developer tools.

  1. Open YouTube in Your Browser
    Navigate to YouTube's homepage or subscriptions feed.
  2. Access Developer Tools
    • Right-click anywhere on the page and select "Inspect" or press Ctrl+Shift+I (Windows) or Cmd+Option+I (Mac).
    • This opens the browser’s developer tools.
  3. Identify the Shorts Section
    • Look for HTML elements associated with Shorts. For example, the div containing Shorts might have a class name like shorts-container or similar.
    • Use the Element Picker (a small cursor icon in the developer tools) to hover over and select the Shorts section.
  4. Delete or Hide the Section
    • Right-click the selected element in the developer tools and choose "Delete" to remove it from the page temporarily.
  5. Refresh and Verify
    After making changes, refresh the page to ensure Shorts are hidden. Remember, these changes are temporary and will revert when you reload or navigate away.

2. Blocking Shorts with Custom CSS

For a more permanent solution, you can block Shorts by injecting custom CSS into YouTube. Browser extensions like Stylus or UserCSS allow you to apply custom styles to websites.

  1. Install a Browser Extension
    Download and install Stylus or a similar extension from your browser’s extension store.
  2. Create a Custom CSS Style for YouTube
    Add a new style for YouTube and include the following CSS
  3. Save and Apply the Style
    Save your custom style and reload YouTube. The Shorts section should now be hidden.

3. Using JavaScript Bookmarklets

Another way to block Shorts is by creating a JavaScript bookmarklet that removes Shorts elements dynamically.

  1. Create a Bookmarklet
    Add a new bookmark in your browser and paste the following code as the URL
  2. Run the Bookmarklet
    Visit YouTube, then click the bookmarklet. It will hide Shorts from the page.

4. Blocking Shorts with Browser Extensions

For users who prefer not to modify HTML manually, browser extensions can simplify the process. Here are some popular extensions to consider:

  • uBlock Origin
    This ad blocker can also block specific elements on a webpage. Use its Element Picker to select and block the Shorts section.
  • ImprovedTube
    ImprovedTube is a YouTube-specific extension that provides customization options, including hiding Shorts.

Why YouTube Includes Shorts in the Feed

YouTube is heavily promoting Shorts as a response to the rising popularity of short-form video platforms like TikTok. This integration is part of YouTube’s strategy to keep users engaged and compete in the short-form video market. Unfortunately, for users who don’t enjoy Shorts, there’s currently no built-in option to disable them entirely.

Things to Keep in Mind

While blocking YouTube Shorts using HTML code or extensions can improve your browsing experience, there are a few things to note:

  1. Temporary Changes
    Editing HTML code directly on a webpage is temporary. The changes will disappear when you refresh or revisit the page.
  2. YouTube Updates
    YouTube frequently updates its website, which might render custom CSS or scripts ineffective. Regular updates to your methods may be required.
  3. Browser Performance
    Running custom scripts or extensions may impact browser performance, especially on lower-end devices.
  4. Policy Compliance
    Be cautious when using third-party tools or scripts to modify YouTube’s interface. Ensure you’re complying with YouTube’s terms of service.

how to block shorts in html code in youtube
Image by Freepik (


If YouTube Shorts isn’t your preferred content, blocking it using HTML tweaks, custom CSS, or browser extensions can enhance your browsing experience. From editing HTML code directly to utilizing extensions like Stylus or uBlock Origin, there are multiple approaches to hiding Shorts effectively. While these solutions are not officially supported by YouTube, they provide a way to tailor your viewing experience to your preferences.

By understanding how to block Shorts in HTML code on YouTube, you can regain control of your feed and enjoy a more streamlined experience. Whether you’re a casual viewer or a power user, these methods ensure that your YouTube homepage is filled with the content you love.

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